is for Wisdom whoops...Willingness When I wrote “T is for Trust” I explained where my words came from and how I hadn’t changed any of them—until now, and I think it’s appropriate that my W word became “Willingness” because I needed to be willing to be flexible when it came to changing my word. I was having trouble writing for Wisdom. I had an idea of what I wanted to share but it just wasn’t working. I was discussing my list and my W woes with my new friend and co-worker, Eric. Out of 72 computers in a room I was lucky enough to get the assigned seat next to Eric. My row of 6 people are wonderful, but to end up next to a person who is a Reiki practitioner and who offers monthly guided meditation circles can’t be any better sign from the Universe that I’m on the right track. He and his wife own Transformative Balance, LLC in Columbus, Ohio. I'm glad to have found this resource. So Eric asks me, “Does it have to be wisdom?” “Well...I wrote down my list of words months and months ago, and I’ve never changed one…but I guess it doesn’t have to be.” I could feel myself getting all bristly at the thought of changing a word--my word. I had already been so prideful about my list assuming each word had something to teach me. “How about willingness?” Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. I knew he was right the moment he said it, but I sort of felt interior resistance for a moment about changing my word. It was a fast realignment inside and I realized that I had to be willing to change. Duh. Maybe this was Wisdom’s lesson for me after all. Stop being so frickin’ rigid, let others in, let someone else help, and for Pete’s sake be willing to do all of the above. So keyboard and virtual paper in hand I will make a list of willingness with the BIG ONE first:
Willingness is the key to having any new experiences at all, or to making any changes whatsoever in the way things are going. I can feel it in my belly when I am unwilling—sometimes that’s a good thing; it’s a warning that I need to pay attention, but sometimes it’s just regular run-of-the-mill fear trying to keep me in my rut. Fear knows that getting out my rut would require a change, perhaps a new me, with new friends, and new ways of seeing the world, and that might make my old friends very uncomfortable, but I am not responsible for how they feel about me. I am excited about my list and need to take some time with each of them, but all I really need to do for the traction to start getting out of my rut is to start using this phrase, “I’m willing to consider that,” and then see where it takes me.
Melissa Arrigo
4/26/2014 02:07:42 am
Excellent list! I'm gonna hold u to that third one. hehe.... ;)
4/26/2014 02:25:54 am
Ugh, I know! The hardest one maybe, even harder for me than the wine :-) I can speak in front a 500 people but approach just 1 and I want to turn and run. go figure
Melissa Arrigo
4/26/2014 03:20:49 am
It's ok. My husband said I was being too pushy. lol. I'm only half serious. I like joking around with people. I was half kidding, just because it fit into what we already talked about. That's funny, because "one-on-one" I'm at my best, but at a large party or public speaking....forget it!!!
Paul Bowersox
4/26/2014 03:48:38 am
I notice you are willing to love yourself. Conspicuously absent was a statement of willingness to love another, either romantically or in a platonic way. What we say and how we say it always will give us away. This includes not only what we are willing to say, but also what we are willing to avoid. ;)
4/26/2014 04:59:15 am
Ha Paul! Yes, you called me out on my shit once again, and you might just be correct. I sat and typed a stream of consciousness list and then edited and I put myself on the list because I am having a VERY hard time with that one and know I need to be willing to consider that I'm worthy of my own love, BUT avoiding the topic of others does sort of imply an unwillingness to find a partner and yes that would fit into words that have come out of my mouth recently. You are ever amazing! Have a great weekend oh observant one!
4/26/2014 08:53:17 am
Being willing to let someone help is hard sometimes because it can be misconstrued as a sign that you are not capable on your own of accomplishing your goal. But, nothing could be further from the truth. Sometimes, it is the ego talking when you think that your ideas are the only ones you require. On a different but, related note, I loved your first promise of "I am willing to fail." because on Monday, for "X", I wrote all about the difference between failing and failure (with the big red teacher's X in mind) and how failing is actually a good and healthy thing.
4/26/2014 11:21:28 am
You hit a nerve there with that help/capability observation. I have grown quite resistant over the years to asking for help and I do believe there is an underlying current of old messages from days gone by that I wasn't capable to enough to "do things." I don't think I made the connection until I read what you wrote so thank you for that. See my W for wisdom is working out anyway; I am gaining a great deal of wisdom about my journey with this post :-)
Paul Bowersox
4/26/2014 12:02:10 pm
The truth is that we are all interconnected. The help we want is the help we give. We were never meant to stand alone. The fact is, Conlee, you are loved. Pajama-panted seeker you may be, but so are we all. In your list above, you say you are willing to not be afraid. That's the negative. The positive, and the virtue you have been demonstrating with this month long exercise, is ' I am willing to be courageous.' Excellent! That alone is inspirational. Well done.
4/27/2014 04:58:39 am
I really am glad I read your post. I need to be willing to go walk even when I'm tired from work and just want to sit on my butt at home and relax. I don't know if I'll go as far as your willing to eat veggies, not ready for that yet. :-) If you have time, and want to, you can <a href="">check out my W post</a>.
4/27/2014 07:51:46 am
Thank you. YES! I have this thing about not sitting down after I get home from work until all the regular chores are done because once I sit that is IT. I'm a goner and nobody get nothin' from me. :-) Thanks for the visit! Of course I will visit! popping over to your blog now!
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